
Frequently asked questions about Wintoys

Why is the code closed-source?

How to change the language?

The first language is automatically selected from the list of installed language packs found in Windows settings:Time & language > Language & region > Language. The list can be reordered using drag and drop and if your language is not supported, English is the fallback one.

Why can’t I run the performance benchmark if my laptop is charging?

Windows reports the battery status to the app and it might be the cause that your battery health is poor or discharging even if plugged in. The Windows Experience Index benchmark can’t be run while the battery is reported as discharging.

How can I get a 10 score when running the performance benchmark?

The maximum value supported by the assesment tool (winsat) is 9.9.

Why is HAGS (hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling) option disabled?

This option is automatically disabled if your GPU does not support it.

Why is ultimate performance power plan option disabled?

Devices that support Modern Standby (S0 power state) can’t have multiple power plans.

Why is the displayed RAM capacity different than the actual capacity?

This is how WMI (the tool used by the app to get these kind of information) reports the RAM capacity. Something on your OS is corrupted, might actually be the WMI repository itself. You can try to rebuild it or reinstall your OS as a last, unpleasant solution.

Why does the text look weird and pixelated in certain apps after tweaking performance settings?

The setting found under Performance > Visual > Adjust visual effects for best performance will make fonts look more pixelated as a side effect. This effect is caused by Smooth edges of screen fonts option, which for best performance needs to be turned off.

Why are settings not applied when using the app with another logged user?

The app requires administrator rights, so the user opening the app must be an administrator as well, otherwise, despite you being logged in with another user, the app will still open with the administrator user, all settings being applied to that one. To make a user an administrator you can use net localgroup command or lusrmgr.msc tool.

Why is my Windows activation key displayed as BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB?

This means you have a volume license, which is not stored locally on your device, but managed by the organization that owns it.

How do I get rid of “Some settings are managed by your organization” message from the settings app?

This message appears when certain Windows settings configured in Group Policies are changed (either by your organization or by third party apps). You can find a tutorial to get rid of it here, but settings affected by this message will reset to their default.